Previous Whispers In The Wind 2011 & Babbels 2012
Maandag, 24 december 2012
Fijne feestdagen in perfect gezelschap gewenst !
Enjoy wonderful festivities in perfect company, you all !!
Zaterdag, 15 December 2012
We zijn er een tijd uit geweest, wat ook te maken had met softwareproblemen die helaas nog niet geheel zijn opgelost.
Maar we zijn hoe dan ook weer terug !
We hebben besloten om terug te gaan naar het Nederlands als voertaal, hoe spijtig dat ook moge zijn voor de handvol buitenlandse vrienden en volgers.
Het kost simpelweg teveel tijd…
EN… De artikelen en columns bleven toch in de eigen taal geschreven worden.
Daarover gesproken: hieronder (en op de betreffende pagina's) vindt u het nodige aan nieuw werk, want stilgezeten hebben we heus niet. Knisperend verse Spraakwaters: Herfsttooi en Klimaat.
EN er zijn vijf jeugdige Kneutergeleuters: Diervriendelijk, Galant, Gezond, Kinderhand en Prent. Oh nee, het zijn er maar vier; we hebben niet alleen softwareprobleempjes, er verdwijnt ook wel eens wat. Galant is op het moment nergens te vinden, maar daar gaan we op terugkomen !
Voor wie het vergeten is: De afleveringen van Spraakwaters en Kneuters staan op hun pagina's op alfabetische volgorde.
Veel plezier, en van harte welkom bij de frisse herstart van Malende Vlinders.
En natuurlijk een stralende Decembermaand gewenst voor u en al de uwen !
Vrijdag, 14 December 2012
Wist u dat Oi'Clowns - Een Hommage Aan Federico Fellini niet alleen een eigen website heeft (, maar ook een stralend actieve FaceBook pagina ?!
En onderaan deze thuispagina staan maar liefst NEGEN links naar pagina's vol foto's, vooral van de hand van Elmer van der Marel, al is één pagina gevuld met foto's van Tim Mintiens, die ook een fraaie cameo heeft in de film.
Zaterdag 10 & Zondag 11 November 2011
Heerlijk toeven in Eindhoven waar Oi'Clowns - Een Hommage Aan Federico Fellini werd vertoond EN genomineerd voor Beste Muziek ! Met d.o.p. Mick Durlacher, producent Heyonju Heideman, Linda Mabelis en Sutana en Joris een haarscherpe viewing gezien met al even goed geluid. En vervolgens verrukkelijk gegeten bij Restaurant Usine, de voormalige lampenfabriek van Philips.
Op zondag met onze muziek-tovenaar Kees Hoogeveen en Hyeonju Heideman opnieuw naar Eindhoven afgereisd, om Oi'Clowns niet te zien winnen.
Maar dat was niet erg, volgens Kees, want de winnende muziek van de kortfilm Stilte Na De Storm was -en ís- prachtig. (Dezelfde film won ook Beste Art Direction, dat in handen was van onze goede collega Jeroen Echter.)
Hartstikke bedankt, Eindhoven en Ramon Etman, de drijvende kracht achter het Eindhovens Film Festival.
Zondag, 11 december 2011
We zijn officiëel proever geworden voor De Smaakimporteur. Vooral voor wijn, maar met smaak proberen we de papillen ook uit op de verrukkelijke zalm die zij voeren en de Black Pudding die ze importeren. Er is nog veel meer van zulks lekkers, dus wacht niet te lang met een bezoekje aan hun website !
Trouwens, de wijnen van Grinand en en de Chablis van Lavantureux, waarvan sprake in het Spraakwatertje met de titel KLIMAAT (zie hier onder of volg de link), worden ook geïmporteerd door De Smaakimporteur !
En dat is lekker !!!
Saturday, June 11th, 2011
Thanks to the warm welcome by Eelko and Stan at Schram Studio's Noord, the wonderful speakers lend to us by Marcel Kaper of Orange Studios, the sound mixer of Gaby de Haan, the beamer of Golden Eye and last but not least, the Blu Ray player of Philippe Vié - who also tested the film on the equipment - we had a lovely First Hometown Screening of Oi'Clowns - An Homage To Federico Fellini today. Many showed up, a lot could not make it, but we had fun and were showered with compliments.
And yes, it ran till past midnight, for which the sponsored wine by Van did a lot of good ! The atmosphere was, as always, cozy at the Schram Studio's complex, and all the visitors had the opportunity to check out the brand new accommodations of Camera & Video Equipment Rental place Golden Eye.
We had a ball. Thank you all very VERY much !!!
More photo's soon. This photo © Elmer van der Marel
Thursday, June 9th, 2011
Two more days before the the very first Hometown screening of OI'CLOWNS - AN HOMAGE TO FEDERICO FELLINI ! On Blu Ray ! Exciting.
Furthermore: at last we have published a fresh In Ze Spotlight, here below, featuring the novel of Hans dagelet, DE MAN MET DE VIER O's. Again apologies to all non-Dutch reading people out there, but this time we're not that much ashamed, since the book it's revering to, is in the Dutch language, too.
Tuesday, June 7th, 2011
Wonderful news from Utah ! OI'CLOWNS - AN HOMAGE TO FEDERICO FELLINI is accepted for their Fear No Film Festival, part of the Utah Arts Festival, one of the biggest outdoors events in the world. They are expecting over ... 80.000 visitors !
In 2009 our short film A PENNY FOR... won the Grand Jury Prize there.
Thanks a lot, Utah !!
Sunday, June 5th, 2011
Today on Long Beach Island, New Jersey, OI'CLOWNS... will have its world premiere. At the lovely LIGHTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. For the 3rd year running, and for the 3rd consecutive year a Raving Butterflies film is on the rostrum. Hopefully a communication line can be set up, through Skype, to do some Q&A after the show. They are working hard on that.
From the program: "Oi'Clowns - An Homage To Federico Fellini is a beautiful, visual stunning portrait of a master's night on the town in Amsterdam."
Tuesday, May 31st, 2011
We have picture lock on DE BENDE DAPITULET !!
Remco and Eric faced the difficulties bravely and kept on stomping away on the footage. And this, it seems, was the easy part... More challenges to come with sound and grading.
Monday, May 30th, 2011
Another long and fruitful day at editing suite #8 of MacGyver Amsterdam, that cozy, friendly place where so much amazing work gets done on every floor of this gorgeous old Amsterdam house ! And The theatre piece DE BENDE DAPITULET is taking shape ! Remco is doing a marvelous job.
Tuesday, May 24th, 2011
Haha !! The HAIRY BIKERS have asked for an encore ! So Zyuli and Eric drove down to Vianden, Luxembourg, and its huge castle, for a surprise reappaerance in the cult BBC2 cooking show.
Dave & Si were busy making, and eating, paté Riesling, a mouthwatering delicatesse of Luxembourg.
Of course we helped them eating all those little paté's en croute
We can't say what will be in the final cut of this episode...
But we do know that this BeNeLux episode will air in Februari 2012.
Sonday, 23rd May, 2011
Wonderful news ! After a long wait (too long...) we found help to start editing the theatre piece DE BENDE DAPITULET, musical theatre for and from the whole family. Hans Dagelet and his wife Esther Apituley, with their three children Charlie Chan, Mingus & star of the show Monk, brought a wonderful theatre piece to the stage a year or so back. On a whim we taped it with two handheld camera's and one motionless wide top shot. No possibilities to communicate between the operators/executors at all...
Now, MACGYVER AMSTERDAM is willing to help us out with and editing suite and a junior editor, Remco. Thanks so very much, Rinie Jansen & Eric Smit !
Thursday, May 19th, 2011
Would you believe that ! One of the Hairy Biker's, yes, of the notorious BBC2 Cooking Show, is dear old buddy David Mayers ! Known him for ages ever since our adventures on Luxembourgish film sets in the '90ies.
They've invited Eric to co-host the episode in which they visit the Netherlands.
And today we shot in Volendam, fishing village of old... We had so much fun and ad libbed for hours on end. Hope the good times will show when the episode will air ...
When that will be? Eh, I'll let you know !
Monday, May 16th, 2011
After two testing days the studio shoot has started for the new Peter Greenaway film GOLTZIUS & THE PELICAN COMPANY. With Eric as the gaffer. The film is again set in the Golden 17th Century. Reinier van Brummelen is the estounding director of photography, pushing technology to its outer limits. Ramsey Nasr, the poet of the nation, is Goltzius, and he is amazing !
Friday, May 13th, 2011
Saw the rushes of DE BENDE DAPITULET today ! After more than a year of anticipation. What a wonderful show it is. But what a tough time we gonna have editing this one. More later...
Tuesday, April 5th, 2011
Sorry for all the non-Dutch speaking people, but nevertheless it's a happy occasion: finally a brandnew SPRAAKWATER has been made. Five year old notes were found back again, and the whole episode came back alive. Naastenliefde is the title. Please click the link for the whole column.
Still not in English, that would be too difficult, really.
Tuesday, March 15th, 2011
Work on THE BUTTERFLY KIDS moves on ever so slowly, but Suman Mukhopadhyay sends us a newspaper clipping of the Calcutta Times, where this news appeared in both the paper als the electronic edition. Them Butterfly kids are alive and kicking, we'd say ! And a nice boost for moral, after a somewhat harsh winter...
Tuesday, February 15th, 2011
Oi'Clowns - An Homage To Federico Fellini took another giant step today ! FC Walvisch was kind enough to help us out, and provided us with all the means and the genius of Eelco Bakker to come to a wonderful Surround Mix. Feike de Wit of Soundcircus Kees Kroot, our sound designer, was there too and the two of them did an outstanding job. We are over the moon with the result !! We do hope we can have our first screening of the film at FC Walvisch, too, somewhere in April. To be continued, of course.
Sunday, January 2nd, 2011
The sun has set on 2010, so let's make sure to hit the big times in 2011,
full of health-heart-happines and truckloads of inspiration, everybody !!